set pagesize 5000 /*1*/ SELECT b.building, buildingname, room, COUNT(*) as numnetsections FROM location l INNER JOIN buildings b ON b.building = l.building INNER JOIN sections s ON s.locationid = l.locationid INNER JOIN courses c ON c.courseid = s.courseid WHERE subjectcode = 'WEB' AND b.building != 'OL' GROUP BY b.building, buildingname, room HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT MAX(numnetsections) FROM (SELECT b.building, buildingname, room, COUNT(*) as numnetsections FROM location l INNER JOIN buildings b ON b.building = l.building INNER JOIN sections s ON s.locationid = l.locationid INNER JOIN courses c ON c.courseid = s.courseid WHERE subjectcode = 'WEB' AND b.building != 'OL' GROUP BY b.building, buildingname, room)) ORDER BY buildingname, building, room; /*2*/ SELECT DISTINCT p.firstname as firstname, p.lastname as lastname, s.firstname as firstname, s.lastname as lastname FROM students s INNER JOIN registration r ON r.studentid = s.studentid INNER JOIN sections sec ON sec.sectionid = r.sectionid INNER JOIN professors p ON p.professorid = sec.professorid INNER JOIN courses c ON c.courseid = sec.courseid WHERE subjectcode = 'SPAN' ORDER BY s.lastname, s.firstname, p.lastname, p.firstname; /*3*/ SELECT s.firstname, s.lastname, city, state, zip, 'Student' AS Role FROM students s WHERE lastname LIKE 'W%n' UNION SELECT p.firstname, p.lastname, city, state, zip, 'Professor' AS Role FROM professors p WHERE lastname LIKE 'W%n' ORDER BY lastname, firstname; /*4*/ SELECT l.locationid, buildingname, b.building, room, numsections, numstudents FROM location l INNER JOIN (SELECT l.locationid, COUNT(*) as numsections FROM location l INNER JOIN sections s ON s.locationid = l.locationid GROUP BY l.locationid)t1 ON t1.locationid = l.locationid INNER JOIN (SELECT l.locationid, COUNT(*) as numstudents FROM location l INNER JOIN sections s ON s.locationid = l.locationid INNER JOIN registration r ON r.sectionid = s.sectionid INNER JOIN courses c ON c.courseid = s.courseid WHERE building != 'OL' AND subjectcode = 'CS' GROUP BY l.locationid)t2 ON t2.locationid = l.locationid INNER JOIN buildings b ON b.building = l.building ORDER BY locationid; /*5*/ SELECT b.building, ROUND(Avg(Capacity), 2) as averagecapacity FROM buildings b INNER JOIN location l ON l.building = b.building INNER JOIN sections s ON s.locationid = l.locationid GROUP BY b.building UNION ALL SELECT 'Average Capacity is: ', Round(AVG(capacity),2) FROM sections ORDER BY building desc; /*6*/ SELECT p.professorid, firstname, lastname, city, state, NVL(numsections, 0) as NumSections FROM professors p LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT p.professorid, COUNT(*) as numSections FROM professors p INNER JOIN sections s ON p.professorid = s.professorid INNER JOIN courses c ON c.courseid = s.courseid WHERE state = 'MT' AND subjectcode in ('WEB', 'NET', 'CS') GROUP BY p.professorid)t1 ON t1.professorid = p.professorid WHERE state = 'MT' ORDER BY lastname, firstname; /*7*/ SELECT DISTINCT b.building, buildingname, NVL(numberofsections, 0) as NumberOfSections FROM location l INNER JOIN buildings b ON b.building = l.building LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT building, COUNT(*) as NumberOfSections FROM location l INNER JOIN sections s ON s.locationid = l.locationid INNER JOIN courses c ON c.courseid = s.courseid WHERE subjectcode in ('CS' , 'NET', 'WEB', 'MATH', 'ENGL', 'HIST', 'ZOOL', 'ART', 'COMM', 'HIST', 'BSAD') GROUP BY building)t1 ON t1.building = l.building WHERE b.building != 'OL' ORDER BY building; /*8*/ SELECT DISTINCT, city, NVL(NumSections, 0) as NumSections FROM students s LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT zip, COUNT(*) AS Numsections FROM (SELECT DISTINCT zip, sectionid FROM students s INNER JOIN registration r ON s.studentid = r.studentid) GROUP BY zip)t1 ON = WHERE state = 'AZ' AND city = 'Phoenix' ORDER BY zip; /*9*/ SELECT subjectcode, coursenumber, OnlineSections, F2FSections FROM courses c INNER JOIN (SELECT c.courseid, COUNT(*) AS OnlineSections FROM sections s INNER JOIN courses c ON c.courseid = s.courseid INNER JOIN location l ON l.locationid = s.locationid WHERE building = 'OL' AND subjectcode in ('CS', 'NET', 'WEB') GROUP BY c.courseid)t1 ON t1.courseid = c.courseid INNER JOIN (SELECT c.courseid, COUNT(*) AS F2FSections FROM sections s INNER JOIN courses c ON c.courseid = s.courseid INNER JOIN location l ON l.locationid = s.locationid WHERE building != 'OL' AND subjectcode in ('CS', 'NET', 'WEB') GROUP BY c.courseid)t2 ON t2.courseid = c.courseid ORDER BY subjectcode, coursenumber; /*10*/ SELECT s.studentid, firstname, lastname, NVL(numsections, 0) as numsections FROM students s LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT s.studentid, COUNT(*) as NumSections FROM students s INNER JOIN registration r ON s.studentid = r.studentid WHERE state = 'ID' AND city = 'Nampa' GROUP BY s.studentid)t1 ON t1.studentid = s.studentid WHERE state = 'ID' AND city = 'Nampa' ORDER BY lastname, firstname;